My father was an early riser, and believed because he was up the whole family should be up, so we didn't waste the day. Unfortunately for this late riser, Sunday was no exception. My father would drive us to 7:30 mass Sunday morning. As a young girl, the best part was the post-Church stop at the bakery. We would pick up donuts and buns, then head to my grandparents' house for breakfast.
Every week the order was the same. Danishes -- cheese, specifically for my mom -- for my parents, a Boston cream donut for me, and a crumb bun for my grandmother. Her Sunday wasn't complete without one. And to this day, and I can't have a crumb bun and not think of her.
There's just one problem: with all the supermarket bakeries most local ones are now out of business. And outside of New Jersey, crumb buns aren't always easy to find. What's a nostalgic granddaughter to do?
Thankfully, when my husband and I first started dating, his aunt passed this recipe along to me. At the time neither of her daughters spent much time in the kitchen, and while I didn't cook I did enjoy baking. And think she was finally happy to have someone to share the recipe with.
This is a wonderful recipe for so many reasons. One, it's a family recipe and I always enjoy making those. Two, it's super easy. Three, it's so moist and delicious. I like to stock up on yellow cake mix when it's on sale. Then, whenever I need a quick dessert I whip this up. It's always a hit and it feeds a crowd. You really can't go wrong.
And if you're feeling nostalgic for a crumb bun on a Sunday morning, well, look no further.
Aunt Patti's Crumb Cake
Country Cooking Family Recipe
Makes 1 13x9 cake
- 1 box yellow cake mix
- Oil, water, eggs to box's specifications
- 1/2 lb melted butter
- 3 cups flour
- 2/3 cups sugar
- 3 tsp. cinnamon
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- Preheat oven and mix cake mix to according to box's directions.
- Pour batter into a 13x9x2 greased pan and bake for 20 minutes.
- In a bowl mix butter, flour, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla with a spatula until crumbs form.
- Remove cake from oven and sprinkle crumbs over top of cake.
- Return cake to oven and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes.
- Sprinkle with powdered sugar when cool.

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